Description of all types and varieties of cyclamen: names with photos and their main characteristics

Cyclamen is a decorative culture that is characterized by incredibly beautiful flowering. At this time, the buds looked like "tongues of a frozen bright flame." There are many types and varieties of cyclamen. Each of them is distinguished by height, color and features in the care. The popularity of this lovely flowering plant has only recently been increasing. ...
  • Binary options: what is it and how to make money from them - trading strategies and signals + scam for suckers or not (expert opinions and real reviews)

    Hello dear readers of Rich Pro! Today we will talk about what binary options are and how to make money on them, which broker is better to choose to trade binary options, and also whether it is a scam for suckers and what is the opinion of experts on this subject. The article will undoubtedly be of interest to all those who are attracted to remote work on the Internet at home without investments and deception, bringing a decent income. ...
  • Tips and tricks for properly laying tiles on the wall

    Currently, facing ceramic tiles have become not so much an element of design as an element of hygiene and cleanliness. Especially in rooms such as kitchen, bathroom and toilet. You can read more about the types of ceramic tiles here. Perhaps there is no such owner who at least once did not try to lay the tiles with his own hands. ...
  • The interior of the summer living room or how to equip the veranda

    The veranda in a country house or in a private urban-type house is an excellent opportunity to expand the space, acquire additional living space and the opportunity to enjoy beautiful views all year round while in a warm and comfortable atmosphere. What could be better than gathering the whole family by the fireplace on the veranda with hot tea, chatting and looking at the falling snow? ...
  • What to bring from Tanzania: ideas of memorable gifts and souvenirs

    Having traveled to such a country exotic to Europeans as the United Republic of Tanzania, any traveler would like to take a souvenir with him, preserving for himself a "piece" of an outlandish African state. What to bring home from Zanzibar to share with your loved ones unique memories of the trip? ...
  • Interior design of a country house

    The modern world is full of hustle and bustle. And we often want to hide from all this noise and the rapid rhythm of life. Therefore, many people choose their own housing somewhere out of town, buying country houses and cottages. There you can relax and enjoy the serene flow of life. We all remember that in the old days, country houses were only a temporary haven, where they came for the summer, relax, sunbathe and so on. ...
  • Napkins for table setting, original folding methods

    When laying the festive table, many underestimate the importance of napkins. With their help, you can create an unusual decor, arrange color accents, balance the combination of shades. Skillfully folding napkins for table setting is an art that can and should be mastered. Neatly made textile figures look attractive among ceremonial dishes, making the table even more attractive. ...
  • DIY computer chair manufacturing steps, tips for beginners

    In order to make the process of working behind a personal computer screen tireless, it is important to choose the right chair or chair. Particular attention should be paid if you need to choose furniture for a gamer or freelancer - in such cases, spending time at the computer increases, which means that you need a comfortable seat to maintain posture. ...
  • Do rhododendrons need to be fed in the fall, what fertilizers are suitable and how to carry out the procedure correctly?

    It was previously believed that rhododendrons do not need top dressing - and without that they grow perfectly. However, fertilizers began to be used both in nurseries and in private farms, as new information appeared on the mineral nutrition of rhododendrons and other heathers. How to feed the azalea in autumn? ...
  • Instructions for creating a corner sofa with your own hands, drawings and diagrams

    Correctly equip a recreation area in a small living space will help furniture of angular construction. It fits perfectly into the geometry of the room, preserves the maximum usable area, providing enough space for guests. You can save money on buying furniture of this configuration if you assemble an angular sofa with your own hands, while demonstrating not only the skills to work with various materials, but also the designer’s abilities. ...
  • The first vitamins: how to plant a radish in early spring? Landing and proper care after sowing

    Juicy, pinkish and pungent vegetable called radish. Who does not love her. I remember as a child I was waiting for the spring and planting work to begin, so as to quickly eat this tasty and juicy fruit with white flesh. How and at what time to plant and monitor radishes in the future? Novice gardeners often ask this question. ...
  • What to see in Hanoi - the main attractions

    First of all, they fly to the capital of Vietnam to go to Halong Bay. But there is something to see from the city of Hanoi itself - the sights here, though not the most impressive, but still interesting. One day to deeply explore the city will be clearly not enough. But you can get acquainted in Hanoi in a short time, although it is better to set aside 3-4 days and leisurely see one of the most unusual cities in Vietnam. ...
  • Bedroom 14 sq. m: successful layouts in different stylistic directions

    The bedroom is the room of the house in which a person seeks to sleep comfortably, as well as relax in complete peace and unity. Thus, the design of the bedroom should be given enough attention. If you have a bedroom of 14 square meters. m, this article is for you, since the most successful photo projects are collected here, as well as useful tips for arranging a living space of a specified area. ...
  • Useful properties and application of hibiscus. How does it affect human health, are there any contraindications?

    Hibiscus is one of the varieties of Chinese roses, which is a popular houseplant and at the same time a favorite for households. Everyone is accustomed to seeing the plant as a living decoration for the home, but few people know that hibiscus has many useful properties. Moreover, with the help of it are still being treated for diseases and ailments. ...
  • What are metal wardrobes for clothes, an overview of models

    A cabinet is an integral piece of furniture for any building. Today, there are several types of cabinets that differ from each other in their intended use. Some of them are used to store things, others - for household items. But if earlier, only wood was used as a raw material for equipment design, nowadays metal products are increasingly found on the consumer market. ...
  • The effectiveness of the lemon diet for weight loss. The benefits and harms, popular recipes

    The beneficial properties of lemon are far from being limited to treating a single cold. Citrus is also popular in cosmetology, aromatherapy and traditional medicine. As soon as the fashion for thinness began, every losing weight celebrity began to use lemon in their diet. The headlines of the top editions about fashion and a healthy lifestyle are constantly replete with provocative questions, is it really possible to lose weight thanks to a lemon or is it just another celebrity fabrication? ...
  • Thermal insulation materials: types, photos and descriptions

    Good thermal insulation is not possible without reliable and practical material. To be considered high-quality, the insulation must meet the following condition: its thermal conductivity must be less than or equal to 0.1 watts per cubic meter. Depending on the feedstock, there are various insulating materials that correspond to a specific place of use, type of installation and operating rules: fiberglass; basalt mineral wool; polystyrene foam; bung; insulating film; cellulose fiber. ...