Wooden floor: which is better?

Each type of flooring has its own positive characteristics and disadvantages. Let's analyze which gender is best done and why. What materials the floor covering is made of, and for which rooms this or that type is suitable. During the construction of the house, the floor plan for each room is immediately planned, based on its characteristics. ...
  • Loggia design 2019: attractive photo ideas for arranging the built-in balcony

    Content: Design ideas Fashion trends in different styles Loggia, combined with the room Beautiful design Design of a large loggia Separate balcony with adjoining room If you live in an apartment with a deepened balcony, that is, a loggia, you can think about making this place an extension of the adjoining room or separate recreation area. ...
  • Spanish Mediterranean summer terrace

    Owners of open terraces with sea views can rightfully be considered lucky. But great opportunities and no less responsibility. How to create a paradise in the open air with comfort, originality, in a modern way and at the same time remain true to the traditions of your people? We offer you a look at the arrangement of the Spanish terrace and find out whether the plan turned out for designers who chose one of the branches of country style - Mediterranean style as the basis for designing a holiday destination with a beautiful view. ...
  • How to make kvass from chicory - 4 step-by-step recipes with video

    Chicory in kvass is a breath of fresh air in a classic recipe. With the addition of the ground root of the plant, the drink acquires spicy taste with a slight bitterness and a pleasant nutty hue. Kvass from chicory, made at home, has healing properties, perfectly quenches thirst in sultry, unbearable heat. ...
  • Fiction or reality - roses with green buds? History, description of varieties and placement rules

    For many years, nature and man have been trying to perfect the rose. The Queen of Flowers is immortalized in legends, poems, fairy tales and songs. Petals of a modern garden rose are decorated with various shades: blue, violet, black and even green. Bushes with buds of such non-standard colors are decorated today with flower beds, flower beds and front gardens, some of the varieties collect chic wedding bouquets. ...
  • How to get a loan (loan) on the security of property - 5 stages of obtaining + review of TOP-4 credit companies

    Hello dear readers of the online magazine "Rich Pro"! This article will focus on loans and secured loans: how can I get a loan secured by property and where do I get secured loans without certificates and proof of income. After reading the article, you will learn: What is the meaning of the concept of a loan secured by property; What is more profitable to issue - a loan on bail or without it; What are the steps necessary to get a secured loan. ...
  • Simplicity and harmony of country style in the interior of the bathroom

    Try to guess what is the appeal of a rustic style for the inhabitants of our country? As a country design direction, it gained recognition not so long ago. However, elements of this style have long been used by Russians in architecture and interior decoration. It’s enough to recall medieval log cabins and classic Russian baths. ...
  • How to cover rhododendron for the winter? How to make insulation for the plant with your own hands?

    Often in the flower beds and flower beds you can see stunningly beautiful shrubs. Their flowers can be different: yellow, pink, lilac, violet, burgundy and others. This is rhododendron (azalea). How to prepare a plant for wintering so that it can again please with its flowering? What is the most suitable shelter material? ...
  • Amazing euphorbia - home care instructions, plant photo

    The genus euphorbia (euphorbia) in nature encompasses many plants for every taste: from small miniature, almost dwarf individuals, to tall trees. In appearance, some euphorbia look like cacti. For example, in the milkweed of Ceresiform, single spikes are located on the ribbed shoots, and in milkweed trihedral on the fleshy trunk, short hooks and thorns. ...
  • Pergamon is the most popular museum in Berlin

    The Pergamon Museum or, as it is also called, Pergamon is an unusual and quite interesting place. It impresses not only with its scale, but also with a unique collection of exhibits, most of which date back to the pre-Christian era. General Information The Pergamon Museum, located on Museum Island, can be literally called one of the most visited places in the German capital. ...
  • Comparison of springs and polyurethane foam - sofa with which filler is better

    When choosing a sofa, it is unreasonable to pay attention to its appearance, bypassing the filler, especially when it is planned to use sleep furniture daily. If only a few decades ago the springs were the only way to fill the inside, today the assortment has expanded significantly - holofiber, latex, synthetic winterizer, polyurethane foam. ...
  • Antalya Waterfalls - Upper and Lower Duden

    Antalya is the most visited resort in Turkey, where millions of tourists come from all over the world every year. This cheerful flowering city is ready to offer its guests not only the azure shores and the warm sea, but also many cultural and natural attractions. Among them, Duden Waterfall occupies a special place, the lower part of which has long been a hallmark of the famous resort. ...
  • Fantasy Sidewalks

    Design is created by brush strokes, precise touches and inspiration. Puzzles of the picture cling to each other, and add up to the finished plot. The lack of one figured element violates the concept, and introduces cacophony into the choral sound. In an effort to match the general mood, the design of paving paths should be in tune with the theme. ...
  • Reproduction of cacti: how to plant a flower "kids" and what to do if the plant does not take root?

    Cactus is one of those plants that can multiply by processes. Moreover, "children" can be without roots: the nature of the succulent is such that it is unpretentious and has an increased ability to survive in any situation. We will analyze in the article how to grow succulent at home from a shoot without roots, and also consider how to separate and root a “baby” with roots and what to do if it does not take root. ...
  • Modern walls in the living room: beauty is on par with functionality

    Living room - a showcase of each apartment. Most people think so when they are asked about the most important room in the house, so when choosing furniture, I want the interior items to be not only practical, but also beautiful. Consider the modern walls in the living room, which perfectly fit into the new-fashioned interior, captivating everyone with its simplicity and conciseness. ...
  • How to clean and how much to cook squid

    Squids are not a product of everyday demand, but in recent years this exotic shellfish has begun to appear more often on the tables of our compatriots. Mistresses, wanting to pamper the household with an original dish, choose squids. Some of them, having bought frozen carcasses in a supermarket, do not even know how to approach them. ...
  • How to get to Sihanoukville from Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Siem Reap and Fukuoka

    Sihanoukville is Cambodia's most popular resort with beautiful beaches and unique attractions, but despite this, getting to it is not very easy. Of all the modes of transport, only buses are well developed in the city, air connections are established, there are practically no railways, but there are boats and ferries that run between Sihanoukville and nearby islands. ...