Zoning techniques: sliding partitions

In the 80s of the last century in the West there was a tendency to combine rooms into a large room, separating them only with partitions. This idea of ​​zoning space quickly found its application in the domestic market of interior doors. Typically, this element of the interior is used to design large spaces.

The main property of the sliding partition is the ability to choose between an isolated room and a large territory, not limited to extra walls. The most popular option is to combine the living room and kitchen, separated by the boundaries of the sliding partitions. Moreover, the general layout of housing will not be significantly disrupted.

Materials for the manufacture of interior partitions

A suitable partition should be chosen based on the general atmosphere and design of the room. Such an element can merge with the overall picture, repeating the texture and colors of the interior. Or it can be made a central figure and highlighted with special material.

Among the materials used for such structures:

  1. glass;
  2. Chipboard;
  3. bamboo;
  4. wood;
  5. leather;
  6. plastics;
  7. metal and their combinations.

In the design of the partition, a dividing profile of a material other than the main one can be used. Finishing materials and accessories are also selected based on the main color of the selected partition.

The finished surface can be given the effect of aging and cracking. Imitation of natural stone, mother of pearl or even gold leaf will make the appearance of the partition exceptional.

Glass gives perhaps the widest range of possibilities for decoration. Almost all methods of processing and manufacturing glass surfaces are suitable for creating an interior partition. The delimitation of space, made of stained glass, can turn any room into a fairy kingdom. The play of rays refracted in colored fragments cannot be compared with anything.

Using a mirror coating will give a feeling of unlimited space. It will double and visually enlarge and illuminate the room, reflecting every light source in the room.

Digital photo printing on glass and other ways of applying the image will help to harmoniously fit the partition into the interior, designed in any style and color scheme. All these features of glass, combined with the extreme strength of modern products, make such a material one of the most popular in contemporary design art.

Features of sliding partitions in the interior

Sliding interior partitions provide unlimited possibilities for zoning the room. The rooms can be made as ergonomic as possible, and the distribution of usable space economical. In addition, in such a simple way, you can refresh the interior without making radical changes to it.

An important advantage of such doors is that they do not require additional space to open, which will save precious centimeters of free space. At the same time, the situation will become more original and interesting.

Sliding partitions or sliding doors usually consist of several paintings that close the opening, moving relative to the wall. If you need to close the doorway, then one sheet is used and it is called a sliding door. If you need to separate several rooms from each other, replacing the wall, then this will be an interroom sliding partition.

If you make a partition from a material similar to the coating of the remaining walls, then visitors will not even realize that there is still a room behind such a wall. The opposite effect can be achieved if you make a partition from a solid glass cloth. Then the distinction will be symbolic, and the functional load consists only in limited sound insulation.

One of the drawbacks of such partitions is that it will not be possible to completely eliminate the penetration of odors and sounds, since there will always be gaps between the partition, floor and ceiling necessary for the free movement of the movement mechanism.

With the help of partitions, the space can be expanded or shaped. Such an elegant way can be used in any room designed to perform several functions at once. For example, a living room can turn into a dining room combined with a kitchen, where the whole family will feel comfortable during the celebrations. A children's room, temporarily divided into a study area and a sleep area, will turn into a large space for noisy children's games. Also in the bedroom with such a partition, you can separate the boudoir or dressing room. A combined bathroom can easily turn into a separate, without losing a centimeter of free space.

In addition to practicality, spectacular partitions can reflect the taste of the owner of the house and give the room lightness and grace. Lightweight aluminum guides and durable castors will not overload the structure. The selection of the necessary material and accessories is best entrusted to a professional, since such large structures need reliable fastening and high quality mechanisms.

For interior partitions, specific fittings are provided. Typically, the handles are recessed in the canvas, otherwise the meaning of the entire device is lost. According to the color scheme, it is preferable that the fittings merge with the overall color of the structure.

Sliding interior partitions have recently become a popular technique in the arsenal of fashion designers. It is difficult to overestimate the functional and aesthetic load assigned to this element of the design of the room. Manufacturers offer a wide range of diverse options. The thing is small - choose the right one for a particular interior.

Watch the video: Best ideas Zoning rooms - Zoning techniques in the interior. Home decoration ideas (October 2024).

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