Stone-finished bathroom - royal interior

First of all, I want to say that natural stone is one of the most ancient materials, characterized by special strength and reliability, proven over the centuries. This is a durable building material, which has several types, which previously decorated the premises. Since ancient times, species such as marble, granite, sandstone, onyx, quartzite, etc. were used. However, pleasure is not cheap, therefore, for interior decoration this material was not particularly popular in those days.

But with the advent of artificial stone, the picture changed dramatically, because decorative stone is now quite affordable for its price and also has many different forms, even the most bizarre. The wealth of textures is completely amazing. Another huge plus is the fact that artificial stone is much lighter than natural, and laying it is much easier. And what can they decorate directly in the interior of the bathroom? Yes, literally everything you want, whether it be walls, floors, doors, the area of ​​a mirror or a washstand - all that is enough for your imagination.

  • Idea 1

    Chic bathroom interior with artificial stone trim

  • Idea 2

    One wall of the bathroom is decorated with fancy stone

  • Idea 3

    Exquisite interior with stone-lined bathroom

  • Idea 4

    Spectacular interior with light precious stone trim

  • Idea 5

    Dark stone in the interior requires additional lighting

  • Idea 6

    Finishing from a dark rough stone eats up light, especially if there is a lot of a stone in an interior - good lighting is necessary

  • Idea 7

    Elegant and noble bathroom interior with light artificial stone

  • Idea 8

    Spacious single-wall bathroom with elegant light stone trim

  • Idea 9

    Beautiful bathroom interior with dark stone and white fixtures


To begin with, we will deal with the rules for using decorative stone

In order for the installation to be successful, a number of rules should be followed in working with decorative stone. Let's get acquainted with them:

  • you need to add light - even if the stone is a light shade, it will still "eat" the light, reducing the degree of illumination, in connection with which additional light sources will be needed,

if a dark stone is used, it is recommended to alternate it with light-colored wallpaper or with plaster;

  • in narrow rooms, the use of stone is generally not recommended, because there already is not enough light, and the stone can only add gloom;
  • it is necessary to observe the measure with the use of decorative stone, it is not advisable to overdo it if you do not want to turn the house into a cave;
  • sometimes a rough stone looks very stylish and spectacular at first glance, but do not be afraid to use original decorative material, not only in bathrooms, but even in such delicate rooms as a girl’s bedroom - this will add a touch to the interior;
  • use living plants in the interior that wonderfully harmonize with the stone, similar to living conditions, for example, in a vintage bathroom, a stone in combination with lush greenery will be simply magnificent

Why decorative stone?

Everything is quite simple - decorative stone has water-repellent properties, and for the premises of bathrooms it is a huge plus. Well, the aesthetic properties of the stone are of considerable importance. Especially when the room is spacious, you can create great original solutions based on the game of texture and color. But even if you are not the owner of the royal choir, but have a standard bathroom with an area of ​​2 - 4 square meters. meters, you can still successfully use decorative stone in the interior, if you competently and thoughtfully approach the preparation of a design project. By the way, we immediately note that it is not worthwhile to completely stone the bathroom with a stone, otherwise you will reduce it even more.

But to highlight some small area, for example, the area of ​​the mirror, sinks, the outer walls of the bath itself,

shower stall

wall near built-in wardrobe

or just part of the wall - this is what you need in your case.

Such accents turn the bathroom into a real spa.

In this case, the stone can be applied to any texture and any shades. Although, if you follow the advice of designers, the imitation of granite or marble looks best - this gives a special luxury to the room. True, drops of water on a glossy surface will be much more noticeable. The bath itself can also be turned into a medieval element. If you select a stone for granite or marble, then the interior of the bathroom will be very original and even luxurious.

Mixing of different styles is also allowed. Since the stone has waterproofing, its presence is simply necessary in the bathrooms. As for the decorative stone lining of the walls of the bathroom, it can be said that parts of this material are glued together seamlessly, thus forming smooth surfaces without gaps, as if they were cut from a single piece of marble or granite. Such walls perfectly withstand shelves, mirrors and towel holders attached to them, as artificial stone is a very strong and reliable material that can withstand any load.

Artificial stone tiles are also used as flooring, although they are made using a slightly different technology than for walls. Porcelain stoneware is used for the floor, which is more resistant and even more durable and reliable. It also has waterproof properties and is perfectly washed with any detergent. The choice is quite large, the only one has a smaller variety of colors than the material for wall cladding.

A bathroom with a decorative stone for kings ... It really is. The room of the bathroom, lined with decorative stone, looks simply amazing, truly royal. The presence of a stone emphasizes respectability, and also provides an opportunity to feel unique and even exceptional, because the house can tell a lot about its owner, or rather, almost everything.


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