What is copywriting and who is a copywriter: definition and meaning of terms - a step-by-step guide to writing copyright and seo texts + TOP-6 copywriting exchanges for earnings

Hello dear readers of the Rich Pro business magazine! Today we look at concepts such as copyright and copywriting - what it is, how they differ from rewriting and rewriting, how much copywriter services cost and much more.

A few years ago, the word copywriting could scare humanitarian students. Now progress has added a bit to modern humanities, say copywritingby profitable type of activity that you can do at home without any investment.

In this article you will learn:

  • What is copywriting and who is a copywriter;
  • For what type of copywriting they pay more;
  • How to properly analyze your own text and start a professional activity.

This article is intended for those who do not know where to put their free time (however, do not know where to attach themselves in principle), they feel creative itch and a desire to prove himself in the craft of writing.

Read the article to the end and you will find out comprehensive information about copywriting.

Copywriting: what is it and what is it for, what types of copywriting exist, who is a copywriter - about all this and more, read on

1. What is copyright (copyright) - a detailed overview and the meaning of concepts

The term "copywriting"comes from the English word"copywriting", which in literal translation means" writing the text. "

But it is worth noting that each representative of this profession has its own understanding of copywriting. Therefore, if we summarize all the definitions that exist today, we get the following:

Copywriting - this is one type of professional activity, which is based on the process of creating and posting unique text material. Often, payment for work is measured by the number of characters written without spaces.

1.1. Copywriting - the beginning

Copywriting as a profession, appeared long before the advent and widespread use of the Internet. Advertising slogans, presentation and motivational textsthat represented a product or service were always in demand in the market.

When the Internet became available to everyone, copywriting has undergone a transformation. This concept has expanded.

Now, the creation of any unique text, whether it be information article, landing or product description volume of several lines.

The concept of Internet copywriting is gradually beginning to enter into circulation, which implies the creation of copyright texts with a high level of uniqueness. If previously copywriting was used exclusively as a means of advertising and propaganda, today texts are created for any purpose.

1.2. How to: copyright or copywriting?

At least the word "copywriting“it has become commonplace for many, some authors insist on calling the process of creating text“ copyright. ”If you look, then“copyright"has a slightly different meaning.

Copyright (CopyRight) - this is copyright, which is assigned to a specific object that was created through the use of mental or physical abilities of a person.

Misunderstandings on this issue arose due to difficulties arising in the translation from English.

For instance, Copywrite translates as "finished text" and the word CopyRight - “original copy” or “copyright”. Words, although spelled differently, have the same pronunciation. Therefore, the term "copywriting", which indicates the service provided, which is associated with the creation of text.

1.3 Copywriting and its types

You should not take copywriting as the only determining component of the written text.

There are several varieties of it:

  • Rewriting - the process of rewriting someone else’s text in your own words while preserving the general idea, and high uniqueness in the output.
  • Advertising text - differs from the usual description of the goods in a call, which forces the reader to make a call or purchase.
  • CEO-copywriting - process when key search queries fit into the text.

Copywriting is a multifaceted profession and only a good copywriter can achieve certain heights in it.

Copywriter - who is it and what it does, duties of a copywriter

2. Copywriter - who he is and what he does + step-by-step instructions on how to become a copywriter

It is logical to assume that if copywriting is a profession then copywriter - this is person who writes lyrics. True, this explanation is too little to understand who a copywriter is and what he does.

Literally translated from English, copywriter- This is the person who creates the text material. The copywriter should be competent, have a good style, be able to interest the reader and answer the question to which this or that article is devoted.

Copywriter, creates texts to order. Depending on the wishes of the customer, the texts can be either selling or informational.

Often each order has its own technical specifications (terms of reference) which indicate all the nuances and criteria according to which the material will be checked by the customer.

2.1. What is the responsibility of a copywriter?

Each person can write a few sentences and put them into text. Therefore, it is logical to assume that anyone who knows the alphabet and knows how to write can characterize himself as a copywriter. It’s good that it’s not so.

The copywriter should not only be able to write the text, but also perform a number of duties assigned to him:

  • Rewriting. Sometimes a copywriter may receive rewrite orders of a text. That is, it will be necessary to process the finished article into a new, unique text, while maintaining the main idea and structure.
  • Editors. The copywriter is forced to correct the logical structure and style of the narration of the text. It is also necessary to monitor the correct use of terminology.
  • Correction. Correction of grammar, spelling, stylistic errors and typos.
  • Headings and Slogans. When it comes to advertising text, you need to come up with a catchy title and slogan that will guarantee a high level of conversion.
  • Images. Sometimes a copywriter has to decorate his texts with thematic images. It should be understood that the uniqueness of the image, as well as the uniqueness of the text, play an important role in promoting the resource. Therefore, you must have basic knowledge of image editing.
  • Text. A self-respecting copywriter will never deliver a solid text to a customer without a single heading, list or paragraph. Proper text design is also a copywriter's responsibility.
  • CEO- optimization. Although keywords already play a less important role in ranking pages in search results, you cannot do without them. The copywriter should be able to harmoniously insert “keywords” into the article.

It’s not enough for a copywriter, it’s good to write, you still have to be a competent and unique author.

2.2. How to become a copywriter from scratch - step by step instructions for beginners

The opinion that only those who have the appropriate education are considered to be erroneous as copywriters. Anyone can be a copywriter, which can add sentences from words.

Due to the fact that this profession does not require special knowledge, skills, and most importantly investments - it popularity is growing every day. Someone achieves outstanding success in copywriting, someone is content with stability, and someone gives up everything, but everyone becomes the same copywriter.

STEP number 1. Copywriting Exchange

Among copywriters, such humor has long existed: "As long as you have a customer, you are a copywriter." It is very difficult for a newcomer to creating text to find a customer.

Therefore, beginners can take these tricks:

  • Search for remote work on the Internet on relevant sites.
  • Register on content or freelance exchanges.

Each of these methods has its own pros and minuseswhich are worth considering.

ExchangesDistant work
Order paymentPlus (+)Minus (-)
Guaranteed. Since exchanges protect the interests of both parties. And if the customer suddenly disappears, after the completion of the project. The resource will automatically transfer funds.No one guarantees that the customer will pay for the work. Communicating online, the performer risks working "for free."
Cost of workMinus (-)Plus (+)
Beginners always get little on exchanges. After all, you must first earn a rating and establish yourself well.Remote work is paid several times higher than a beginner can earn on the exchange.
Theme and complexity of ordersPlus (+)Minus (-)
The contractor can choose orders of different thematic areas and levels of difficultyOften, remote work does not imply such diversity, and a copywriter has to work with one specific topic. Such a solution is well suited only for specialists in a certain field.

After weighing the pros and cons, the copywriter must choose what paths he will take in order to find a good customer.

STEP №2. Find an order

Most copywriters do not want to take risks and start with exchanges. The most popular of them Ett, Advego, "Content Monster". By registering on the site you need to start looking for orders.

Most resources have a simple and intuitive interface. You can search for an order according to various criteria: level of artist, theme, cost.

A beginner should not rely on highly paid orders until he has gained enough rating and a few positive reviews.

However, after the copywriter has established himself on the good side, he will not be left without work.

STEP number 3. Perform the task

If the customer approved the candidacy of a novice copywriter, you can proceed with the job. The rush in copywriting, as, indeed, in any other business, is a bad adviser. Before starting to create a text, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the terms of reference.

The work needs to be delivered on time, the customer is also a person, and, of course, he is counting on something, so you should not let him down.

The order volume is indicated in each task, if the article is less than the specified volume, then it is likely that the customer will send it for revision. But if more, then he will be satisfied. If it was not agreed in advance about the extra charge for signs, you should not count on additional profit.

Special attention need to pay attention to the order conditions. Sometimes customers are asked to indicate a keyword in a specific paragraph, divide the article into several subheadings, provide sources from which information was taken to determine the semantic load of the text.

In a word, you need to understand what text the customer wants to see in front of him and get to work.

Do not forget about the uniqueness and literacy of the text. Many copywriters sin by not re-reading the text before submitting. They motivate it simply - checked in the process of writing. But as practice shows, after such "workers" have to correct grammar and punctuation.

STEP №4. Project completion

When the article has already been written, verified and meets all the requirements, it can be handed over to the customer. After the work is accepted, the copywriter will receive payment to the account, the rating will increase. And if the text is good, then the first positive review will appear.

That is how copywriters begin to move toward their intended goal.

What types of copyright are (rewriting, copywriting, advertising texts, SEO-copywriting, etc.)

3. The main types of copywriting

Previously, copywriting was used exclusively in advertising or marketing purposesbut when the Internet came along, everything changed, including copywriting. Due to the fact that it acquired a new semantic meaning, new concepts appeared that divide Internet copywriting into several types.

3.1. Rewriting

It's no secret that search engines are now focused on unique, interesting, and most importantly information content, which can only be provided by professionals of a particular category.

However, the network is huge, there are not enough qualified specialists for all resources, and everyone wants to make money using websites. That is why there was such a difficult direction as rewriting.

Rewriting - This is the creation of text based on an existing article, the replacement of words, in order to increase the uniqueness of the content, but the preservation of the main idea.

Many people who start copywriting mistakenly assume that good text is an article with 100% uniqueness, and it doesn’t matter that there is not even a hint of one’s own thought.

Rewriting is neither good nor bad, it is "no way." Like eating when you eat, do not want to. Some authors can create articles many times better than the source material, which ensures an influx of visitors to the customer’s resource.

On the one hand it’s good, but on the other hand the Internet oversaturated with texts with the same message. That is why it is worth separating these concepts: copywriting - this is the author’s creation of the text, rewriting - borrowing someone else's idea.

3.2. Image copywriting

The definition speaks for itself - the text should support or create image of a product or product in the eyes of the consumer. The expression "site image"After all, in fact, there are several million sites on the World Wide Web.

Find a good resource on how to go looking for needles in a haystack at night. It is better to remain silent about the fact that among so many competitors it is necessary to declare oneself.

And only image copywriting helps in solving this problem. PR texts Compiled in such a way as to not only interest the client with the content, but also inspire confidence. This type of copywriting is considered the most difficult, since it has too much responsibility.

3.3. LSi Copywriting

This type of copywriting is a special method of writing text that matches relevant queries and is interesting to users.

LSi Copywriting appeared in 2013, when Google changed the search query algorithms and introduced a new program that could recognize the semantic load of the entire text and its compliance with key queries.

Search results were started not by the number of keywords in the text, but by that the text answers the user's requests or not.

3.4. Selling Texts

These are small articles that briefly, readily and clearly describe a product or service and offer to purchase them.

Selling texts have a special structure:

  • Sticky headline. The selling text has a headline that can interest the potential buyer. If the reader is not interested in the heading, then he will not read the text.
  • The “problematic” paragraph. The first paragraph is intended to draw a person into the text.
  • Sale of the object. This block describes all the benefits of the purchase, and most importantly, copywriters answer all questions that may arise from the reader.
  • Selling price. The copywriter shows that the price is favorable and you can use it only in a certain period of time.
  • Call to action. Each selling text ends with a call to action. Readers are asked to register, order a call, or purchase a product.

If there is no call to action in the text, it cannot be called a seller. This type of copywriting is also called direct response copywritingwhen the article contains a call to action.

A good example of such copywriting can be the landing pages of any product.

3.5. SEO copywriting

The need to embed key queries in a text in a certain amount and form is called SEO copywriting. Initially, search engines focused on the presence of key queries in the text, therefore the main purpose of copywriting there was a harmonious fit of them into the structure of the article, without changing the main meaning.

Now that search algorithms have changed, this type of copywriting still continues to be in demand. CEO optimized the texts do not lose their significance for the reader, however, they contain key queries in the quantity necessary for the customer.

SEO - copywriting - what it is and why it is needed + differences from just copywriting

4. What is SEO Copywriting - Definition and Importance

CEO - copywriting is a procedure writing and editing text for a web page in a certain way, which takes into account the ease of presentation of the material and the presence of the required number of "keywords" in the text. SEO copywriting was created specifically to increase page rank in search results.

In fact, this type of copywriting performs several tasks:

  • Provides resource promotion.
  • Provides the user with the information they need.
  • Advertises a product or service.

SEO Copywriting - This is a special kind of creativity in which the usual "copy-paste" does not work. The creation of such texts is not based solely on the introduction of keywords in the article. It is very difficult to create similar texts without basic knowledge HTML and understanding search engine ranking sites.

4.1. Copywriting for search engine optimization (SERP) - what is it and why is it so important

In short, then search results - this is the response of the "search engine" to the reader’s request. The final search results are displayed on the page in a specific order, this order is called the search engine structure, which consists of the following elements:

  • Organic results, which are key components of the bulk of the results.
  • Contextual advertising and links.
  • Shortcards - a small area at the top of the screen where the answer to a question or useful advice is located. Shortcards are often found on the Google search engine, especially when a user’s request ends with the word “this.”
  • Possible queries are links to resources that respond to a similar or reformulated phrase.

Natural results make up more than 70% base part of the issue. Organic results are links to those resources that search engines have identified as the most suitable for a search query.

The higher the level of relevance of the page, the higher the position of the site in the search results.

Each user’s results will be completely different. Search engines accounted for region of residence, interests. And if you enter the same query in different search engines, you can notice different results. Understand how search engines rank sites almost impossible.

Owners of Internet resources are struggling to occupy high positions in search results. This will attract more visitors to the site, and accordingly profit increase. Moreover, traffic from search engines is valued several times more.

Therefore, the promotion of resources takes a large amount of time, effort and money. And SEO copywriting plays one of the key roles in this matter.

CEO copywriting has the following tasks:

  • Ensuring that the text reaches high search ranking positions;
  • Increased traffic and conversion rate;
  • Attracting the target audience;
  • Creating a convenient, understandable and interesting resource that will meet the needs of the user.

SEO copywriting can still be regarded as the creation of articles in order to improve search engine optimization. To create such "works" you need to understand the algorithm of search results, and do not forget about the competent, interesting and understandable presentation of the material.

4.2. What is the difference between SEO copywriting and regular copywriting

Although copywriting and SEO copywriting have long coexisted in the Internet space and position themselves from different angles, many users (and novice copywriters) are sure that SEO Copywriting Designed specifically to “interest” search engines.

In practice, this process includes creating a unique, useful and competent contentwhich will interest the reader. At the same time, key queries will be harmoniously entered into the text, which are several times more in the CEO text than in the regular text. However, the reader does not notice such a difference.

If copywriting is considered to be like creating text, then SEO copywriting - this is the creation and promotion of articles in search results.

If the copywriter does not have the skills to create a SEO text, then it is difficult to consider him a full-fledged professional in the field of creating texts.

The main requirements for a simple text are competent presentation, easy perception and semantic load. When it comes to CEO copywriting, concepts like "uniqueness", "nausea"and tagging.

  • Uniqueness. The first thing "search engines" pay attention to is the uniqueness of the content. In the search results there are sites with unique content. Sometimes "search engines" can apply penalties to resources with non-unique content.
  • Keyword and nausea. Keywords mean a search query, which is most often used by the target audience. The copywriter should create a text where these key ones will be used the right number of times. "Nausea" is the frequency with which the "keyword" appears in the text. Search robots negatively relate to articles where the number of search queries exceeds 3% of the total number of characters. Sometimes customers enter in TK what key request and how many times should be present in the article. Although most often asked to enter a "key word" with a given frequency. It is best to enter one request per 1000 characters without spaces and evenly distribute them throughout the text.
  • Tags A professional in his field should know the tags with what to eat and be able to use them. These are the characters that are commonly used for hypertext markup of text on a resource page. Thanks to tags, plain text turns into electronic content. In addition, there are customers who adequately pay for this useful skill. The tag is a letter of the English alphabet or a word that are between the triangular brackets. Tags are placed at the beginning and at the end of the text segment to be formatted. They are opening and closing. For example, the ˂і˃ tag selects text in italics. The phrase ˂і˃ copywriting is great ˂ / і˃ will appear in italics on the content page, as it is placed between the opening and closing tags of the desired destination.

SEO copywriting requires certain skills and knowledge. If a copywriter owns them, then he has great chances to become a highly paid professional. But, in fact, there is no such craft that could not be learned.

SEO (seo) text - what is it

5. What is SEO text - definition of a concept with examples

SEO text is created specifically in order to occupy the top positions of search results. The best example would be the work, which is in the first three links that give search pages.

Today, most of the sites differ in commercial characteristics. They are created specifically so that something to offer or to sell, or the resource exists through advertising, which it places on its pages.

A person uses search engines every day, sometimes several times. For each of his requests, a "search engine" provides dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of options, and only 10 or 15 links will fall into the field of view of the person, as they are on the first page of the search. That is why it is so important to be able to create SEO texts.

If the site is in the top position, this can mean only one thing - they have carried out correct and effective optimization with it, and most importantly, the SEO pages have been filled with texts.

Earlier, getting a good position in the top search results was much easier, since search engines focused solely on the number and accuracy of key queries. Today, search engines have many ranking factors.

Take, for example, Google Inc. not so long ago as a book was published in early 2016 on how sites get into top positions and how a modern search engine ranks them. This work took 160 pages of printed text.

In general, all the criteria can be generalized:

  • Benefit. The article should provide useful information to the reader and answer his question.
  • Structure and content. The article, which is written in solid text, is poorly perceived by readers, because of which the page may increase the number of failures. Each text should have a structure made up of subheadings, lists or tables.
  • Uniqueness. The article must beat the unique - one of a kind.
  • Relevance of the headline and keywords. Simply put, the title of the article should contain the main key request.
  • Relink. This is one of the elements of internal website optimization. The text should contain a link to material that may be useful, relates to the topic, and is located on this resource.

All these points affect the actions of potential users, behavioral factors. And the higher the level of behavioral factors (the number of readers increases, users "travel" on the resource), the higher site ranking in search results.

Therefore, the concept of a CEO text can be characterized as follows: this is material that is useful to the user and is suitable for search engine ranking factors.

SEO (SEO) text analysis - on the example of the ADVEGO and TEXT.ru exchanges

5.1. How to do SEO text analysis online - a description of the main indicators of verification

Any copywriting product, in particular a CEO article, can be checked for quality. That is, look at the text with the “eyes” of a search robot that conducts indexing.

To conduct a similar procedure, you do not need to contact the experts. There are many online programs on the Web that do this automatically. And copywriters use them all the time. For example, Advego, Tekst.ru, Istio.com and others.

Online text verification services analyze the article for a level of uniqueness. The higher this indicator, the higher the article is in the search results.

In theory, the article should be 100% unique, but in practice it is quite difficult to get such a result. Especially when you consider that the text contains popular "keywords".

Quite often, webmasters do a SEO analysis of the entire resource and make up the semantic core of the site. This helps them see which article needs to be completely changed, from the first word to the penultimate comma, and which text needs only "cosmetic" refinement.

A similar analytical check is provided as a list of criteria.

CriterionIndicatorWhat does it mean?How to improve?
Text uniqueness90 to 100%There are no copies of the article.To achieve such a result, you must use authoring content or skillfully modify a competent article.
Nausea0 to 9Duplicate words are within the normal range for the total text.Remove words that are often repeated or replace them with synonyms.
"Water"40 to 60The presence in the text of words that do not carry information useful to the user.Learn to write concisely and exclusively on the topic.
SpamUp to 5%Excessive use of "keywords".Key queries should be distributed evenly: 1 query per 1000 characters and between keywords should be at least 1000 characters.

Ideally, the analysis of the entire resource includes a lot more indicators, but in order to understand whether the CEO got a good text or not, it is necessary to make it comply with generally accepted standards. How much the article complies with the indicators depends on 94% of success CEO text.

5.2. How to write SEO-text - TOP 5 tips from an expert

Search robots more pay attention to the relevance of the text. That is, whether the key queries correspond to the semantic load of the texts and the general subject matter of the resource.

The behavior of visitors also plays an important role if the guest is registered on the site, clicks on internal links and adds material to bookmarks, then definitely this resource has more likely to get into the TOPthan the site whose main visitors are the webmaster himself and his friends / relatives.

Today, information content, usefulness and structured text play a key role in SEO optimization of the text.

But this is not enough to create good SEO texts you need to start with the following tips.

Tip number 1. Work with keys

The use of "keywords" should be as competent as possible. You can not ignore the introductory part, the basic information of the article and only in the last paragraph recall the keywords.

Key queries should not be used at the beginning of a paragraph or sentence. "Keyword" should be placed evenly throughout the text. The main key request can be used in the header or subheading.

Key queries can be inflected and punctuated. Search robots will definitely see them. The main thing is that they fit seamlessly into the text.

Do not overload article key queries otherwise you can get from the "search engines" penalties. If an article, for example, has a volume of 3000 characters, then the best 3 (three) times use the main exact key request and 2 (two) times "diluted".

A beginner copywriter is unlikely to be trusted to work with tags, but for a writer with a good rating, they can put a similar task. Therefore, it is worth remembering that key queries must be present in meta tags such as , ,

, .

Tip number 2. Competitor analysis

The level of competition on the Web is off-scale, but this does not mean that you need to bypass the competition. They need to be studied. Against the background of all the owners of web resources of the same thematic focus, you need to be able to stand out.

Therefore, it is worth looking at what competitors have and what is not, highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Find out which key queries they are working on and which are frankly ignored.

You should definitely read the articles, see how the information is presented, which information is present in the text, and which is not. All this is necessary to analyze and make your text better than everyone else.

Tip number 3. Structured text

If the text has a structure it is much easier to perceive. Interesting subtitles, list availability - all this makes the text not only attractive to the visitor, but search robots really like this article.

Nevertheless, do not forget about the quality of information. It is worth thinking in advance how it will be structured, what it will follow. This will make the article more organic.

Tip number 4. Benefit

Internet users are attacked every day by thousands of informational messages, so if he came to the site, worth respecting a person and provide him with useful and complete information on a specific issue.

So that he would not have to “look for” the missing pieces of information later. This will not only reduce the visitor’s rejection rate, but also increase traffic.

Tip number 5. Professional verification programs

SEO analysis of the text is a very important procedure, so you should be responsible for choosing a verification program. Since the increase in the number of Internet copywriters, many resources with software have begun offering SEO-analysis programs for texts, which are often whipped up.

There are, of course, good ones that cannot be compared with those found at content exchanges, but they still need to be looked for. Therefore, it is better if the copywriter uses the proven verification program with a standard verification algorithm.

How to write seo-copyright text - step by step instructions

6. How to do text SEO copywriting - a step-by-step guide for novice copywriters

Every webmaster always makes sure that the site is filled with good information. Of course, there are those who write for their sites on their own. Their articles are useful and practical, however, are deprived of the pleasant, verbal aftertaste that the article can endow professional copywriter.

Articles created by site owners often have no structure and are difficult for readers to perceive. This is the reason why webmasters are looking for a good copywriter, especially when it comes to creating a SEO text.

And since there is demand, every copywriter should know how to turn their articles into CEO texts.

Step number 1. Keyword Search

Ideally, a person who specializes in this (ie, “semantics”) is engaged in the search for key queries and the creation of a semantic core. CEO copywriter it remains only to find out what information on this request is of more interest to the reader.

Specialists, as a rule, use “wordstat.yandex.ru” and “google adwords” services, as well as special services and programs (Key Kollector, etc.) to search for “keys” for writing articles.

If the writer has decided on this, then he should choose the topic of the article, which will be based on the main key requests and get to work.

It should be understood that one key request can be represented by different thematic texts, so this is also worth paying attention to.

Step number 2. Competition analysis

A copywriter should be thankful for the fact that the network has resources with the same theme. Competitors are often perceived as the worst enemies, but it is worth looking at their existence on the other hand. After all, they can be seenwhat information is demanded by users, what design of the text they like more. In addition, if you identify the weaknesses of a competitor, you can easily advance in search results.

Of course, competitors should not be underestimated, since they constantly look for resources that "step on their heels," but they should not be ignored.

Step number 3. Text structure

When the topic of the text is determined, the keywords are selected, and the competitors are studied to the last colon, you can start creating the text.

An article that is broken only by paragraphs does not cause users due respect. Even if a concentrate of the most necessary information is concentrated there, it is difficult to perceive.

Each article should have a clear structure:

  • Introduction A few suggestions about what is written in the article.
  • Main part. The main, informational content that needs to be subdivided. If there are transfers in the text, it is necessary to arrange them in the form of a bulleted list, and not just write them with a comma. The text, which has a diverse structure, is more understandable and interesting for users.
  • Conclusion A paragraph or a few sentences that summarize the information provided.

Step number 4. Verification of parameters (uniqueness, "nausea", "water")

After the text is written and checked on grammatical, spelling and stylistic mistakes, it must be checked according to the main parameters of the SEO text.

The uniqueness of the created material should be high. In general, customers require authoring content to be from 90 to 100%.

If the uniqueness of the text is below 90%, you need to replace repeating words and sentences or add more text to dilute the text.

The latter method is often used when the article has a narrow thematic focus and includes many terms.

"Nausea" text is determined by the number of repeated words, if the indicator does not exceed 8%, then this is considered the norm. Although sometimes customers set their own parameters of "nausea" and the copywriter has to change words, phrases or even sentences.

"Water" - this is a text that does not carry thematic information, it is impossible to completely avoid "water", its optimal presence in the text should not exceed 65%.

Step number 5. Using meta tags

The copywriter must understand what meta tags are and why they are needed, moreover, he must be able to use them. Meta tags are special characters that modify a particular piece of text.

Using tags, they create lists, text format and tables, turning an article of "Word" origin into high-quality content.

7. Copywriting for beginners - TOP 5 useful tips for writing professional copywriting

According to the results of opinion polls, copywriting is considered one of the most sought-after professions of our time. Copywriters are worth their weight in gold not only in PR agencies, but also on the Web.

Especially now, when the search algorithm has completely changed, the content on the resource must be useful, interesting and understandable for a person so that the site can get into the TOP. And this can only be achieved with a good copywriter.

And while webmasters are looking for word masters, copywriters need to improve their skills. To do this, you need to follow a few tips.

Tip number 1. Write copywriting every day

To develop your own style of writing text, to build up a client base, the copywriter will have to work hard at the beginning of his professional path. Since the competition among web writers is too high, a newbie has to work literally for "Thank!"although it’s not always received.

Then, when the copywriter already has some kind of rating, a couple of dozens of positive reviews and several customers who literally idolize the author’s texts, you can relax a bit.

But continuing to write daily is a must, let it be one article or a small passage of the text, it must be written so as not to decompose professional discipline.

It is important to learn how to enjoy your work, and if a person writes daily, then over time it will become a habit.

Tip number 2. Improve yourself

It’s true that novice copywriters not necessary have the necessary knowledge or skills. However, if you do not master them in the process, the newcomer will remain a newcomer.

Necessary not only to write constantly, but also to improve daily. Communicate with more experienced colleagues, read books by famous copywriters, where you can find a lot of useful information, lots of tips and copywriting techniques.

Subsequently, the acquired knowledge can be "run in" in practice, what to add, to throw something away. Copywriter - This is not a machine that stamps texts, like hot cakes, it is a professional who strives to become better every day. And as practice shows, this noble desire pays off a hundredfold.

Tip number 3. Arouse interest

The copywriter must remember that first he writes for users and only then for search engines. Texts should be interesting, understandable and have a lot of useful information.

Of course, every outstanding copywriter has his own concept of an interesting text. Someone thinks that the text should be minimum water, a minimum of unnecessary words - only essence.

And others are of the opinion that a good text does not have to be like the monotonous monologue of a professor that makes you want to fall asleep.

The article must be written so that it is not embarrassing to read aloud.

If a copywriter begins to read his text aloud, gets lost due to the fact that there are many consonants or vowels between the words, and indeed he becomes ashamed of what he wrote, then this is really a bad article and it is better to redo it.

Tip number 4. Difficulties are not scary

A copywriter can work day and night, reread all existing books about internet copywriting, but stay at the level of "five-ruble" articles. And all because he can not force himself to take the task level more difficult, since he is not confident in his abilities.

But if a copywriter does not take complex orders into work, he will never succeed. Webwriterthis is a person who is confident in her abilities, even if these abilities are with a "gulkin nose", the main thing is to start working on a difficult task, and everything will work out.

Tip number 5. Creative skills

Although copywriting is a sought-after profession, not every copywriter is in demand, but only one whose texts are devoid of standard stamps, as this allows you to highlight content against the general background.

Custom approach - This is the main guarantee of success. Copywriters who create interesting and effective articles work three times less and get six times more. And all because they have developed their creative thinking.

You can monotonously type text after text, trying to make good money, or you can just forget about the templates for a while and write the text for your pleasure. This is much appreciated.

The cost of copywriting services, what price is paid for the work of copywriters

8. How to find out the cost of copywriting services and how much the copywriter earns

Probably there is no copywriter who began his professional career by not asking how much his services would cost. And the sums that the professionals receive in their field really inspire respect. That's just a beginner should not rely on "bread with caviar"and universal gratitude.

AT 97% In some cases, copywriters start earning money on exchanges, and the prices of such resources are very low.

On average, a novice webwriter will receive from 15 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters of text and this is really small. Especially when you consider that a person does not have a main source of income and in order to "stay afloat" he really has to literally "plow" for days.

But only until the moment he has a rating, and even as his own experience increases, you can raise prices.

There is a high level of competition on the exchanges, in addition, there is such a thing as dumping, when newcomers offer their work at the lowest possible prices. Customers in general Do not mind to buy cheap material and fill your resource almost free. But on the other hand, they risk quality.

There are resource owners who work exclusively with professional copywritersthey are willing to pay 500 rubles for 1000 characters if only on their site was really interesting, unique and informative article.

If you try hard, then a copywriter can make money on the Internetmore than 70 000 rubles per month. But a professional can get from 2 000 dollars and do not deny yourself anything.

We also recommend reading the article - "How to make money on the Internet without investments"

9. Profession SEO-copywriter - where you can get training (courses, books, manuals)

A good SEO copywriter, like an endangered animal species, is known to exist, but it's hard to find. And all because this type of activity differs from ordinary copywriting, although it is not so difficult to master this profession. There are several options for this.

Option 1. Courses

Some agencies and studios that offer copywriting courses can teach the basics of creating SEO texts. In large cities, many IT studios offer similar services at a reasonable price.

Free training can be obtained on the Internet, if from time to time to monitor thematic resources you can stumble upon interesting offers.

Many exchanges also occasionally conduct so-called “continuing education” and record videos from the basics of SEO optimization. Such courses last only a few days, but are in the public domain.

Option 2. Books

If a lot of literature has been written about copywriting, because every self-respecting writer, believes that he should share his own experience. Then with SEO copywriting there were small difficulties. Since it is relatively new direction in copywriting, then there is not so much educational literature, but there is one and every copywriter can please himself with a minute of self-education.

Option 3. Practice

Some CEO copywriters, which are now considered the most popular, began to learn the intricacies of this profession, to the primitive, just - percent on 20 realized what the essence of SEO copywriting was and went to practice.

Filling their own cones and gaining experience, they can now compare with the best of the best in this segment.

10. Work at home as a copywriter - TOP-6 of the best exchanges (sites) for earning with copywriting jobs

A novice copywriter can listen to hundreds of stories about the successes of his potential colleagues, who can afford to live on a grand scale. And heaving a sigh, going in search of at least some kind of task, because no one wants to entrust serious work to a beginner without a portfolio.

Copywriters who first went on the trail of this profession are looking for the first orders on copywriting exchanges.

There are dozens of such resources on the Web, some accept everyone, some exchanges are open only by invitation, and some offer beginners to go through the text for literacy and if a person does not fit, then he will not be able to register and take the task.

Despite the diversity of resources, there are 6 exchangeswho are very popular.

Copywriting Exchange №1. Advego

It is considered the number 1 content exchange on the Russian Internet. This is a copywriting exchange for both beginners and professional copywriters.

Works on it more 300 thousand authorsbut, despite this, in the free sale of everything 50 thousand articles. Some analysts attribute this to the fact that articles are scattered like hot tea in cold weather, or the authors put them at low prices. The exchange first announced itself in 2007. Here, like on many other exchanges, dumping is present.

The minimum cost of 1000 characters is from 0.3 to 0.5 dollars. Among competitors, the exchange is characterized by a wide range of various orders. In addition to standard copywriting and rewriting, translations and CEO copywriting, one can come across orders for posting and viral marketing. For beginners, the minimum requirements for registration are put forward.

Copywriting Exchange №2. ETXT

ETEX.RU exchange accepts everyone, it is distinguished by a loyal attitude to newcomers and low pricing.

The cost of 1000 characters novice copywriter varies within from 10 to 40 rubles. But on the other hand, this makes it an attractive resource for customers, as there is an opportunity to save a little on filling your own resource.

Copywriting Exchange №3. TEXT

The cost per 1000 characters of the written text leaves from 30 rubles and more.

The stock exchange has many tasks of various kinds. The service has various additional features: checking the text for uniqueness, seo-analysis of the text, spelling and so on.

Copywriting Exchange №4. Content monster

To register on this exchange you need to pass the standard literacy test. If the copywriter fails, he may try to register again, after a month. This exchange is characterized by a strict selection of authors, but it offers courses in SEO copywriting for free.

The cost of 1000 characters is from 30 to 60 rubles.

Copywriting Exchange №5. TextSale

It is freely available, anyone can register. The main feature of this exchange is the ability to add your articles to the "store", where they will be bought sooner or later.

The author himself sets the price for his work, so the dumping level is slightly lower than on other exchanges.

Copywriting Exchange №6. Work-zilla

You can register on the official website - work-zilla.com

The cost of 1000 characters leaves 50 rubles and more. The stock exchange has many tasks of various kinds. The fact that there are tasks that are more focused on the creative approach of the author is encouraging, which helps the copywriter to develop his skills more harmoniously. There are no specific requirements for authors.

But no matter how good the exchange might seem at first glance, each resource has its own system of fines, incentives, rating and professional development.

On exchanges, administrators protect the rights of both performers and customers, which makes them safer for freelance. Although a certain percentage of the cost of the order is removed for this "protection", so to speak, for the role of an intermediary in the formation of the copywriter-customer bundle.

Beginning authors can safely begin their activities with exchanges, so they can gain experience, find regular customers and build a good portfolio.

11. Pros and cons of working as a copywriter

Copywriting, like any other profession, has its positive and negative sides. Even if it initially seems that this profession has no flaws, a person is arranged in such a way that in any situation, he will find something that he will not like. And sooner or later, but each copywriter will find a minus.

Therefore, it is worth considering all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession:

11.1. Pros of the profession

  • Lack of mode

A man is free to work when he wants, how he wants and how much he wants, and most importantly, what he wants. No alarms and early rises, and most importantly the envious glances of acquaintances.

  • Lack of authority

Not everyone at work is lucky with their bosses, very often you can find copywriters who shudder remember their leadership and harsh working days. Yes, no one guarantees paid copyrights hospital or social payments. But the freedom of choice that remains with him covers these irrelevant trifles.

As shown by numerous studies of the social behavior of freelancers that were conducted at Stanford University, people who tried themselves in freelance 89% cases do not return to normal work.

  • Career opportunities

The copywriter's career is based on only two components: the desire to become better and perseverance in achieving this goal.

Many newcomers do not even suspect how many companies are looking for a full-time copywriter.

And if you make a little effort, you can provide yourself, and maybe children a comfortable old age, and without going beyond the Internet.

  • Freedom and Your Own Self

Copywriting absolutely does not matter whether the author has a diploma of higher education or not, his religious and political views correspond to those that are accepted in society and what kind of person the past was. The main good text is the real face of the author. The network is unlimited, it is ready to accept any author, appreciating only his work. Copywriting helps to express yourself, and find peace of mind.

However, there is another side to the coin.

11.2. Cons of the profession

  • Nerves

Copywriting very often makes authors nervous, because customers are ordinary people. And the person who will force redo the perfect text is not clear why, will not accept work, will leave a negative review Yes, and naughty as a bonus.

Especially from such customers "unique" suffer newcomers and authors of the middle price segment.

If a copywriter is a vulnerable person and takes everything too close to his heart, then it will be very difficult for him to abstract from the working conditions of a freelancer. To work on the Web you need to have "thick skin" and two kilograms of stubbornness in addition.

  • Health may be affected.

Ideally, a person needs to adhere to a certain regimen to feel good, otherwise the body will simply collapse. But the copywriter often does not have enough time to take care of his own health - sleepless night, urgent orders, unplanned day off.

Gradually man turns into another device that connects to the computer, and as a result it ends loss of vision, heart problems and overweight.

The copywriter needs to pull himself together and engage in self-discipline.

  • Leaving the real world

A copywriter has all the prerequisites for becoming a sociophobe. At first, a person takes pleasure in sitting at a computer, the household behaves quieter than water, because it works below the grass.

Over time, less and less friends begin to call, because the copywriter is always once once he is always busy. The author is slowly moving to the Network, here he has and work, and study, and friends, and entertainment.

The real world loses its appeal, and turns into a distraction. This process needs to be controlled, you need to learn how to work on the Web, and relax in the real world.

12. Frequently Asked Questions

You can talk about copywriting forever, but you can’t put everything in even the thickest book, so it’s best to provide answers to questions that are most interesting for beginning authors.

Question 1. Where to order copywriting and why it is done

One of the popular sources of copywriting is considered specialized copywriting agenciesthat offer articles of various kinds. These studios (agencies) conduct their business on the Internet, having a large number of staff highly qualified specialists professions related to copywriting, which have rich experience.

Each copywriting agency guarantees the quality of its material, high uniqueness and good perception.

Recently, they are becoming more and more popular. advertising and marketing services. Due to the unstable economic situation, many people began to start their own Internet resources.

Based on this, there was a need for high-quality texts that stand out against the general background of competitors.

Question 2. Where to start a beginner in copywriting?

If a person has a desire to begin to engage in such activities, then he has few abilities. Everyone can write texts. There is no good or bad text.

There is an article that starts standardly and provides information in the same standard way.

And there is a text that begins strangely, has an unusual style, talks about what the user wants to know, and when the reader finishes, he feels a slight disappointment.

They will pay less for the first text, more for the second, but both will be sold.

A novice copywriter should start with simple things:

  • Write forum posts. There are special resources that pay for this lesson.
  • Redo the text. Try to rewrite someone else's text (rewriting) and make it unique.
  • To write an article. A copywriter can try to write an article on a topic that he understands and sell it on one of the exchanges.

If everything goes well and articles are created without hell of suffering, you can register on the exchange and start looking for customers and work.

Question 3. Why copywriter portfolio?

Many copywriters can exist on exchanges for years and stamp thousands of text characters, but do not even think about creating your own website (portfolio) on the Internet. Because it's scary.

Read about how to create a site from scratch, we wrote in a separate article.

And those who are no longer afraid, have long created their own sites, placed their portfolio on them - articles written by them that are posted on the Internet. We put up a price list for the services offered and do not deny myself anything.

Although it is important to have a portfolio not only for your own "office", but also on exchanges. If customers can see the presentation style and the quality of the text, then it is likely that their number will increase.

13. Conclusion + video on the topic

Copywriting - This is a profession that consists in writing high-quality, unique, interesting and understandable text. The person who does this is called a copywriter.

Even before the advent of the Internet, copywriting existed in the areas of marketing and advertising. Now its main purpose is to fill information resources.

The modern Web needs good authors, because only a good author can create text that will highlight a resource from the gray mass of all sites.

Anyone can become a copywriter. To register on the exchange and start your business,not necessary possess special knowledge, skills or appropriate education.

True, it is widely believed in society that only people with philological and journalistic education can be copywriters. As practice has shown and proven more than once, this is completely not so.

Moreover, on the contrary, people without philological education are not constrained by the conventional framework. They can calmly write about anything.

This is especially appreciated in the field of selling content, as one famous copywriter said:

"Such writers are as direct as children, and their texts have a high conversion."

For those who wish to become a copywriter, remember, this is such a profession that requires constant growth and self-improvement from its representative, otherwise the copywriter will remain an ordinary text puncher.

But in general, copywriting is a profession that will always be in demand. Moreover, this type of activity provides an opportunity for free choice, which is so rare in the modern world. Copywriting is interesting and useful, and not only for users, but also for the author.

As in any other profession, copywriting has a number of disadvantages, including:

  • Unstable financial position. It can be difficult for an author to find a customer, especially if he is a beginner. In addition, freelance causes laziness, because there is no work schedule and superiors.
  • Lack of social guarantees. Copywriting does not guarantee the payment of pensions, benefits or sick leave. To secure your future you need to either become a professional or get a formal job.
  • Loneliness. If at work a person can talk with someone, consult or ask how and what to do, then in copywriting he is left alone with the order. And only the higher forces know what is happening in the head of an unfortunate copywriter.

But even so, copywriting is in demand. Customers are willing to pay for good texts, and the authors only need this. If you lose sight of all the nuances, then copywriting is a world of harmony and complete understanding.

And in conclusion, we recommend watching a video on copywriting: step-by-step instructions on how to make money, which exchanges are better to choose, and so on, in general, look to the end and some of your questions will disappear yourself:

The team of Rich Pro magazine wishes future copywriters success in this field and the achievement of maximum earnings in the shortest possible time!

If you have any comments or have questions about the topic, then ask them in the comments below.

Watch the video: What Is Copywriting? Definition of Copywriting and Successful Ad Copy - Dan Lok (January 2025).

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