The best means to protect roses from the cold: how to cover them for the winter?

Rosa truly deserves the title of Queen of the Garden. Like a real noble person, she has a rather capricious character.

Therefore, in anticipation of the cold weather, you need to think carefully about how you can hide this beautiful flower, and what means are there to protect it, except for the spruce, which is most often used.

This article describes in detail how to protect roses from the cold and how to cover them for the winter.

What is suitable for this purpose?

Roses love warmth. So, it is very important to choose the right covering material for lush bushes. Some roses need small greenhouses, others just wrap the film.

The cheapest remedy

The frame for summer cottages is covered with kraft paper from above and everything is fixed with a film. Paper quality: durability, breathability, environmental friendliness and cheapness.

The most reliable tool

Nonwoven materials. For example, geotextiles and lutrasil.

The choice

The material must have the following characteristics:

  • Reliability and durability.
  • Vapor tightness.
  • Convenience.
  • Durability.

Which is better, a purchased or self-made shelter?

You can buy ready-made shelter in any specialized place. You will have to spend money, but there will be confidence that the purchase will not fail, because it was made specifically for such procedures.

Build shelter yourself - economically. But this requires more knowledge and skills. In addition, not everyone on the site has such covering materials as sand, sawdust or peat.

Shelter of roses ahead of time can cause the death of the plant! The optimum temperature for the onset of action is -5 degrees.

How to protect plants with spruce branches?

One of the most popular shelters is spruce branches.

Pros of spruce:

  • Excellent air gap.
  • Snow retention.
  • Thorny branches scare away rodents.
  • UV protection.


  • The likelihood of plant infection by pests living in needles. Yellow needles on the branches will tell about them.
  • If you collect spruce branches from living trees, then the probability of fines for damaging nature is high.
  • Slight acidification of the soil due to falling branches.

How to cover:

  1. Loosen the soil to 5 mm.
  2. Remove weeds without touching the roots of roses.
  3. Treat the bushes with antifungal agents.
  4. When the air temperature is set to -5 degrees, cover the bushes and cover with spruce or pine branches from above.

We offer you to watch a video on how to protect roses in the winter with lapnik:

Is it possible to fill flowers with sawdust if there is no spruce branch?

Their main advantage is thermal insulation.

Cons of thermal insulation:

  • Humidity. If the snow melts, the sawdust will absorb water and cover with a frozen crust. And she does not let air through at all. Great breeding ground for bacteria and mold.
  • Soil acidification. Roses prefer a neutral environment.
  • If sawdust is not extracted in natural conditions, for example, from furniture, then they are probably treated with chemicals from pests.

How to cover:

  1. Loosen the soil under a rose bush.
  2. Spud a little plant.
  3. Lay the bags full of sawdust close to the trunk of the bush in a circle. Desirable in two layers.
  4. Build the frame on top and cover with foil.

Can I use sand?

Sand uses it not as an independent tool for structures, but as an additive.

The advantages of self-construction:

  • Sand is available, it is everywhere.
  • It absorbs moisture well.

Minuses: The sand stays wet for a long time and dries very slowly.

How to cover:

  1. Pull the roses with twine.
  2. Trim branches a bit.
  3. Cover the base with dry peat.
  4. Sprinkle from above with sand almost to the very tops.
  5. Then build the frame and pull everything with polyethylene.

With this type of shelter, it is important that there is an air gap, so instead of embankment from sand, you can ram it into bags, like sawdust.

Nonwoven fabric application

Lutrasil is a material made from polypropylene.

How to cover:

  1. Put together a box from the boards. With the help of props, about 50 cm long. Dig it into the ground around the bush.
  2. Boards are nailed vertically and horizontally to the box. Such a base will withstand any layer of snow.
  3. Lutrasil is thrown onto the resulting frame, which is pressed against the ground by something heavy. The design wraps around twice.
It is better to make a roof with a slope so that water stagnates at the top.


  • Such a structure cannot be made without male power, which means that if the grower is a woman, then the construction will cause some difficulties.
  • When washing with powder, lutrasil loses all its properties.

pros: reliability and comfort for plants.

The larger the area covered by Lutrasil, the better the plants will winter.

Geotextile is one of the types of technical fabric used in agriculture.

Geotextile Pros:

  • Cheapness. Shelter of a large plot will be beneficial.
  • Selling not only rolls, but also ready-made covers.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Breathability.

The steps for covering the bushes with geotextiles are the same as using lutrasil.

What happens if you cover the bushes with snow?

Snow cover advantages:

  • Snow protects against fluctuations in temperature and wind.
  • A layer of snow will hide the plant from mice and hares.
  • It retains heat perfectly, protecting the plant from frost.


  • Snow may fall after the onset of cold weather.
  • It is highly likely that it will melt in the middle of the season.
  • Blown away by the wind.
  • It may become crusted with ice, and air intake will be interrupted.

How to cover:

  1. Make pruning plants.
  2. Spud a little with the addition of peat or humus.
  3. Fall asleep in a large layer of snow.
  4. From above, you can build a protective fence so that the snow does not blow out, exposing the ground, and with it the plants.

Straw protection

Pros of straw shelter:

  • Perfectly protects from the cold.
  • Able to retain snow.


  • Mice love to live in the straw.
  • She often fusses and cakes.
  • Under the straw, the earth does not thaw longer.
To build a straw house for rose bushes, you need to properly cover the trimmed roses with this material and wrap the film on top.

We offer you to watch a video on how to cover roses with straw that winter:

Using boards or plywood

The advantages of shelter from boards or plywood: protection against low temperatures and high humidity.

How to cover:

  1. Make a hut from wooden shields.
  2. Pull the top with polyethylene.

Burlap application

Burlap Pros:

  • Natural materials breathe.
  • Excellent air exchange occurs.


  • Burlap absorbs moisture, covered with ice.
  • Plants are being watered.
  • Old bags contain pathogens of various infections.

Sacks are put on top of the bush and bandaged with a strong, thick thread.

Plant frost protection

The essence of this shelter is the same as in the version with straw. This method is suitable in case there is nothing else at hand.

What will help peat?

It should be noted that peat is an excellent heat insulator.

But more suitable for hilling before the construction of a shelter.


  • Absorbs moisture and becomes denser.
  • It forms a crust upon drying.

How to protect flowers from the cold with building materials and packaging?

Boxes, boxes, cubes, slate, banks - all this is suitable for creating shelter for rose bushes. Most often, such things are used as a frame and put on burlap or wrap on top of the film.


  • Weak protection against the cold.
  • The probability of the content of chemical compounds.
  • The plant may vomit.

What will happen if you do not protect the rose bush from the cold?

Roses freeze even at -8 degrees. A rare species will survive the winter without shelter. The ideal material does not exist, but the most suitable methods will always be found to protect these beautiful flowers from adverse factors.

Watch the video: Protecting Winter Sowing Containers from Frost and Cold Weather Cut Flower Farm Organic Gardening (October 2024).

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